In the list of Best Picture movies for me still to watch, there some that I'm drawn to and want to see and some I do not. Ordinary People was a movie I really wanted to watch. It was in my top 5 list. And, with saying that, I wasn't too disappointed. It was full of drama and emotions, but it was so wonderfully acted and so real, that you could relate.

The story follows the Jewett family, an upper middle class family outside of Chicago as they are struggling to deal with the recent tragic death of their oldest, prized son, Buck. Calvin, the father, played by Donald Sutherland is good- natured, worries too much, and just wants to see everyone happy again. The mother, Beth, played by Mary Tyler Moore, grieves in a different way by trying to get back to life and be the dutiful housewife. She loved Buck and can't seem to love her other son, Conrad. played by Timothy Hutton. Conrad takes Buck's death the hardest by feeling survivor's guilt and unwanted.He eventually tries to commit suicide. Conrad starts going to a psychiatrist (played by Judd Hirsch) who throughout the movie helps him learn why he feels the way he does and helps him to forgive his mother and father for the way they are grieving.

Ordinary People started out boring and confusing. They kept making references to things that had happened before with Buck's death and Conrad's attempted suicide, that I didn't understand. But after Conrad's first or second visit with the psychiatrist, things started to pick up.Another bad thing was the music score. Early 1980s movies are notorious for their bad use of music and this is no exception. Now with the good things.The journey that Conrad goes through to recover is wonderfully written and acted. Pretty much the acting in this entire movie was amazing! Mary Tyler Moore and Judd Hirsch were both nominated for their roles and Timothy Hutton won Best Supporting Actor for his role. And, it was well deserved! I walked away knowing his battle with depression even though he did not say many things about it. In one scene he has to yell and cry and breakdown in front of the psychiatrist and it was executed perfectly! I have not seen that great of acting in a long time.
Other things to mention: If you do not know who Donald Sutherland is, just watch the 2005 Pride and Prejudice; he plays Mr. Bennett. Also, the swim coach in Ordinary People looked very familiar to me so I looked him up and found he played the neighbor Walter on Christmas with the Kranks.
I started out thinking this was just going to be another boring old movie, but it ended up being a movie I couldn't stop thinking about when it was done. I would love to own it. My grade for Ordinary People is A-.